Password 2016 - the biggest marketing conference in the Baltics! For the 17th time the progressive marketing crowd will gather in Tallinn, Estonia. March 17-18, 2016. Programme and registration:
The biggest marketing conference in Estonia (and in the Baltics) of all time – Password – will take place on March 17-18, 2016 in Saku Suurhall Arena, Tallinn. More than 800 delegates are expected to attend. The award gala of the national festival of creativity – Kuldmuna - will also take place in the same place on March 18th.
Seotud lood
Digiposter OÜ tooteportfellis on 70 digiekraani kaubanduskeskustes, üle 300 digipostri jaekettides ning 18 suurt väli LED-ekraani. Olemasolevale on lisandumas aga ka esimene ehituskett – kvaliteetsete siseekraanidega ning raadioga saavad kaetud kõik Bauhofi kauplused üle Eesti.